Never seen a musk duck or little grebe on land in water they seem happy to stay
They are water birds in the true sense since that seems their natural way
Can't even say I have seen them flying though 'tis said they do fly by those in the know
I have so much to learn about Nature and my wonder of her only grow
One could live for hundreds of centuries and of Nature not know everything
She is amazing our Earth Mother and her praises one cannot help but sing
I've never witnessed foxes mating though like all canines they do mate
Perhaps at night under the cloak of darkness in heavy cover they copulate
Their cubs the proof of their secret meetings whilst the Human world is asleep
The Wildborn creatures of Nature their secrets from us they do keep
The unrivalled beauty of Nature we see around us everywhere
But she guards her secrets with secrecy and with us them never will share
And so much to love about in Nature the artists and writers she inspire
And of singing the Earth Goddess praises I do feel one never could tire.
They are water birds in the true sense since that seems their natural way
Can't even say I have seen them flying though 'tis said they do fly by those in the know
I have so much to learn about Nature and my wonder of her only grow
One could live for hundreds of centuries and of Nature not know everything
She is amazing our Earth Mother and her praises one cannot help but sing
I've never witnessed foxes mating though like all canines they do mate
Perhaps at night under the cloak of darkness in heavy cover they copulate
Their cubs the proof of their secret meetings whilst the Human world is asleep
The Wildborn creatures of Nature their secrets from us they do keep
The unrivalled beauty of Nature we see around us everywhere
But she guards her secrets with secrecy and with us them never will share
And so much to love about in Nature the artists and writers she inspire
And of singing the Earth Goddess praises I do feel one never could tire.
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